Friday 31 July 2020


Have more than one health cover? Here’s how you must file claims

You can claim hospital expenses through multiple insurance policies if individual covers, on their own, are inadequate

Many victims of COVID-19 have discovered the hard way that their insurance covers were inadequate to cover the cost of treatment. With exorbitant hospitalisation bills of over Rs 18 lakh being charged in some cases, even those with health insurance policies have had to shell out large sums from their own pockets. But some policyholders have a peculiar dilemma. They have sufficient insurance cover, but it is spread over multiple health policies. Is it still possible to get complete reimbursement for your hospital bills in such cases?

Deciding which policy you must claim from

Let’s say you have an office-provided insurance cover. Say, your employer’s health cover, which promises to reimburse your hospital bills, has a sum-insured of Rs 3 lakh. At the same time, you also have your own, personal, health cover – again, reimbursement-based – of Rs 3 lakh. Say, your hospitalisation bill is Rs 2 lakh. In this case, you can choose either of the two policies for the entire claim settlement.

A small tip for you: If you have to choose between a group (your company provided cover) and individual policy for claim settlement, exhaust your office cover first, as claim settlements tend to be smoother with group policies.

On the other hand, if your hospitalisation bill amounts to, say, Rs 4 lakh, you can claim Rs 3 lakh under your group cover and the balance Rs 1 lakh under you own policy. If one insurer does not pay for certain expenses – for example, amount over and above the room rent sub-limit in the policy – you can claim this amount from the other insurer. However, you cannot claim Rs 3 lakh each under both policies. The idea is that health insurance policies are not meant to be profited from; they just reimburse your actual hospital expenses.

The claim process insurers follow

You can claim your hospital bills either directly through your insurer or via a third-party administrator (TPA) that your insurer has appointed. Make sure you intimate all your insurers when you get hospitalised. You have to let them know by the time you are hospitalised that you would be filing your claims later, after you get discharged.

Insurance companies always ask for original hospital bills. The question is: how can you submit the same set of original bills to two insurance companies? Submit the claim forms and the original set of documents to whichever insurer you decide to go to first. Request the insurer to give you certified copies of hospital bills. Then, along with your claim amount, the insurer will also give you a settlement letter. This letter, or voucher, will contain details of the amount settled by the first insurer.

Check if the second insurer or TPA insists on certified copies of hospitalisation bill from the first insurer. If it does, then submit these certified copies of hospital bills and your first insurer’s settlement letter with another set of claim forms and present the balance claim’s application to the second insurer.

If both your policies are with the same insurer or the TPA, the process will be simpler.

“Hospitals generally do not prefer to deal with more than one insurer. So, usually, cashless settlement under both policies is difficult. Policyholders will have to later file reimbursement claim (for the balance amount) under the other insurer’s policy,” says Bhaskar Nerurkar, Head-Health Claims, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance.

Similar is the case even if you have a regular base policy and a top-up cover from the same insurer, though there could be exceptions. “On a case-to-case basis, however, we have managed to provide cashless facilities through network hospitals when the base policy is with another insurer. It depends on relationships with network hospitals and insurers,” he adds. Else, you will have to file reimbursement claims with the insurer that offered you the top-up, after furnishing the bills and the base insurer’s settlement voucher.

Making claims from reimbursement and benefit policies

Benefit-based or fixed-benefit policies pay out the entire sum-insured upon diagnosis of ailments specified in the policy contract. Typically, these are critical illness policies, but the newest fixed benefit entrant in the market – Corona Kavach standard COVID-19 policy – covers the hospitalisation expenses of the pandemic as well as co-morbidities (that is, pre-existing illnesses) arising out of it. These policies can complement regular, reimbursement policies as you can file claims under both covers.

For example, let’s say a policyholder has a reimbursement cover of Rs 3 lakh and a fixed-benefit policy of Rs 3 lakh. She undergoes a cancer surgery to remove a malignant tumour, which costs her Rs 3 lakh. Now, she can claim Rs 3 lakh from her reimbursement policy so that her treatment expenses are taken care of. She can also claim this amount under the fixed-benefit policy. It will come in handy for managing post-surgical recovery expenses, loss of income and so on. The claim process in case of fixed-benefit policies is relatively simpler – you simply need to submit photocopies of treatment bills as proof of contracting the illness and the sum insured will be paid to you.

N.B: The above article is taken from "" We are sharing this just for awareness, otherwise we not recommend any website.

Tuesday 28 July 2020


In this season we will discusses how one can get rich very easily than you think.

Getting rich is all about our mind set in practical work. If anybody keeps steadily in his/her mind to get rich, definitely he/she can. But it takes some time and time is very crucial to develop anything in the world.

But our discussion is how to get rich easily, how to create wealth and assets in very easy manner without disturbing our daily life work balance. Yes, it is possible.

Every country wants maximum business environment, why? Here we do not discuss any complex term like Economy benefit, GDP Growth, Foreign Deficit Etc. In layman term Business is a tool to create wealthy.  That’s why every country promotes business in his country to get rich and wealthy. Examples are visible like United state of America, china, Japan, UAE, almost every big business are operated from these countries.

Now you may be an Employee or student, or an entrepreneur or business man, you may think that whether am I able to do big business?  But you may be a part of these businesses. As these businesses grow you will grow together. Obviously business takes some time to grow but definitely it will be giant at time.

Now the question comes to mind how to be a part of these businesses. The answer is by investing on these companies and keeps set patiently.

Every country has its some Index which reflects economy as well as growth of the country in long run. The step is simple just invest your some saving in theses index by buying ETF or Index Mutual Fund route.

Index is a combination of top giant companies of the country; those companies are pillar of the country’s growth.    



United nation of America

S&P 500 , Dow Jones industrial average

Hong kong





Sensex, Nifty 50




For example we will discuses about 2 Index, one is Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) and other is Sensex  both are taken from developed and developing countries respectively.


Now you can see the above images Index are starting from 100 points and now they are standing at their high level. If anybody invest in Sensex in the year 1989(when sensex was 100) today the value of investment is more than 42000. So it is the power of investing in Index. 

Why does the Dow Jones curve look so differently before and after ...Similarly,The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was first published on May 26, 1896, by two financial reporters, Charles Dow and Edward Jones. At that time, the index followed the 12 largest companies in each sector of the U.S. stock market. Now the Dow Jones Index standing at around 26000 points, which market cap is $8.33 trillion (Dec. 2019)

That’s why I am saying that getting richer and wealthy is easy than you think. Just put your some saving on INDEX FUND or INDEX ETF and set patiently.

Tuesday 12 June 2018


Today we will discuss how to increase our earning without disturbing our main job or profession. From the great economist every individual can earn from the two ways:

1.       Active income i.e. earning from the work where you are engaged. The main source of your income. For example if any person is a teacher and meet his daily expenses from his teaching profession, this profession is a way of Active income.

2.       Passive income, it is a way of income which is built gradually and some time very slowly. In this way one person can give his free time to perform his desire job in between his active job i.e. without disturbing his main profession.

For example: if the teacher make some free time for himself and devote these time to write a book on a subject, he is teaching then the result will come out that after passing some years he write a complete a book. In this case he can write a note when he teaching to students on the same topics.
So, from the above discussion we notice that just give a little more time he done another job.
When in future the teacher will not be able at the old age to do his jobs at that time he could have earning more from this way besides his retirement saving. But not only in the old age, just completing book and publishing earning might be started.
The one and great drawback to generate passive income Is that “do the work consistently and keep patient until end the work”

Example of passive Income Ways:
Now a day the following ways are popular and become very well known for part time job or turn your passion in practical life as well as make earning.

1.       Blogging:
If you have a good knowledge on a particular subject then you can write on these subjects. For more information you can go to which absolutely free provided by

2.       YouTube channel

3.       Make Investment:
Many people think that it is not a passive income, but it becomes after a long term of accumulation of Fund. It is just power of compounding which make money on money.

4.       Affiliated marketing

5.       Part time commission Agent:
Be a Life insurance Agent, General insurance Agent which make money beside your active work.

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Today we will discuss the rules or principles on which we construct our investment structure. These principles are followed by the every successful investor in the world. As a beginner or laymen in investing everyone should follow to create a wealth or maximize your wealth. Now lets discusses:

1      REASON BEHIND INVESTMENT:  Before going to start invest in anywhere, you must define the goal yourself that why “I am doing that.”  What are the objectives behind my saving as well as investing. This will help you to allocate your saving in various kinds of investing option.

2    MUST HAVE INCOME SOURCE:  Investment needs your saving money and saving will be generated only when you must have a source of income. If anyone does not have a source of income, intention of saving does not arise. Investment is depending upon how much you save not how much you earned.
      Do not make investment by borrowed fund or by way of taking loan.

3     CONSISTENT EFFORT:  Be consistent in your investment option. Investment is done only once is not enough to build a big wealth. One should make a good habit to invest at various interval basis as per their goal defined earlier.

4    KEEP PATIENT:  Growing money is not a magic stick that if anyone invest today and get double within some days. You should give time to grow your money for long term to build a bigger wealth. In this case power of compounding will reflect.

5    LIQUIDITY OF MONEY: Your goal is defined, your saving is well known to you, you are doing invest as per your condition and requirement. In this case if any Emergency
comes suddenly and to meet the same you should not withdraw your investment as far as possible because if you meet the emergency situation by withdraw money from your investment your goal will be affected and disturbed and may not be fulfilled. So, before start investment journey, one must keep some saving in hand for accidental situation.

The investment principles are not end by these above discussion. There are more investing rules or principle would keep in mind when we make our portfolio. The above principles are foundation of investment without these investments have no sense.

Thursday 1 March 2018


Term insurance plan is a form of life cover, it provides coverage for defined period of time, and if the insured expires during the term of the policy then death benefit is payable to nominee. Term plans are specifically designed to secure your family needs in case of death or uncertainty.

 The premiums for Term insurance policies are the lowest among all the types of life insurance policies. The premiums are low since there is no investment component and the entire premium goes for covering the risk. So if the policy holder expires during the insured term, the death benefit is paid to the nominee. There is no survival or maturity benefit once the policy term expires.
There may be some plans that offer to return the premiums paid by the policy holder if he survives.

ELIIBILITY CRITERIA :     generally minimum age 18 years and maximum age is 65 years. But the eligibility criterion for term insurance plan varies according to the insurers.

Insurance amount or cover amount: Generally insurance company provide a cover amount which is equal to 10 or 20 times of your annual income without any prove of income.
E.g. if your annual income 2,50,000/- in a year. You can buy a term plan with cover amount ( 2.5lakh X 10) rs. 25,00,000/- (twenty five lakh).

If you need to say rs.1crore term plan, in this case you must show you income proof. That may be range 5lakh to 10lakh depending upon insurance company policy.

Now let point out some question which remove all doubts about Term paln.

1. How to choose a best term plan?
To choose best term plan you should consider important factors like:

a) How good is the insurance company (compare goodwill and market holding among varies companies)

b) How much cover do you need (like 10lakh, 50lakh,  1crore etc.)

c) Check the claim settlement ratio (ratio higher will be better)

d) The factors of inflation in paying the premium and coverage benefits

e) Compare the terms and conditions of various insurance companies

f) You can take two term insurance plans from two different insurance company, it will save you in case of rejection of claim from one of either two companies

g) Do not just look for the low term insurance plan as they might be an important factor but may have several conditions attached for the time of claim

h) You can also go for an online or offline term plan 

2. Do term insurance plan have an option to convert it to other traditional plans?
Many Insurance companies can provide the convertible option to you in term insurance plan, and you can convert it to the whole life insurance policy or the endowment plan any time during policy tenure without additional charges. 

3. If I missed a premium, is there a chance that my policy may lapse?
If you miss the premium then the first thing is to know the status of your policy through your agent or insurance company.
According to Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) a grace period of 30 days is allowed where the mode of payment of premium is yearly or half yearly and 15 days in case of monthly payment.

4. Can I surrender an insurance plan?
Yes, you can surrender an insurance plan that is to exit from a plan before maturity. No charges  are levied if the surrender is done after five years

5. What are the smokers and non-smokers criteria in the term plan?
It includes the smokers or users of any tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco etc. Some smokers who have quit smoking are also eligible for favourable premiums. However the period varies among insurers. 

6. What is difference between a participating and non-participating policy?
A participating or profit policy would enable the policyholder to share in the profits of an insurance company which depends on the investment returns of the insurance company.  In non-participating policy there is no profit sharing with the insurance company. 

7. Will I get a tax benefit on the insurance premium? 
Premiums paid for all life insurance policies are exempted from tax up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The claim amount received by the beneficiaries or bonus in the hands of the policyholder is tax free under Section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Saturday 24 February 2018


ULIP stands for Unit Linked Insurance Plans. ULIP is a combination of insurance and investment. Here policyholder can pay a premium monthly or quarterly or annually. A small amount of the premium goes to secure life insurance and rest of the money is invested in any number of qualified investments such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds .

Term:   Policyholder goes on investing through the term of the policy – 5,10 or 15 years upto 30 years and accumulates the units.

Investment option:  ULIP offers investors options that invest in equity and debt.
 An aggressive investor can pick equity oriented fund option whereas a conservative one can go with debt option. 

Returns: The recently launched ULIP are better than the older ULIP due to lower charges. One can pick and choose the low cost ULIP. While traditional insurance plans offer 5% to 6.5% returns, ULIP can offer you double digit returns if you are invested in equity funds and debt fund can also give 7% to 9% returns according to past data.

Lock in Period: 5 Years , even the policy holder surrender the plan after 1 year the invested amount will not be withdrawn before 5 years and the amount will be transferred (after deducting surrender charges) to DP Fund where policy holder’s invested amount will earn 4 % interest per annum.
Deth Benefit:   higher from following:
(a)  Sum assured – Withdrawal (if any)
(b)  Minimum death benefit which is defined in policy (e.g. 105%, 125% etc. of sum assured)
(c)  Fund value.
Maturity Benefit:    Fund value

Balancing option: ULIPS provide Balancing Option i.e. as per your life stage you can reduce your risk level by reducing equity allocation to increasing debt allocation. But it is fully option able to the insurer.

Taxation: No upper limit for investment, but u/s 80c of IT Act, 1969 individual can claim tax exemption up to rs. 1,50,000/-.
Maturity amount is tax free if
Sum assured > 10x annual premium
If your annual premium is more than 1 lakh TDS would be applicable 2% on
Maturity amount.
If individual surrender the plan within lock in period, his/her tax exemption will be withdrawn in the year of surrender. 

HDFC Life is a leading provider of ULIP investments. The firm’s plans offer varying provisions, terms and investment options. Other ULIP providers include Aegon Life, PNB MetLife, Kotak Life, ICICI, IndiaFirst, SBI Life, IDBI Federal and UTI.


Have more than one health cover? Here’s how you must file claims You can claim hospital expenses through multiple insurance policies if in...